Category: Articles
Teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda. (Shri Paramhansa Yogananda [1893 – 1952] was a Self-Realized yogi and mystic. He is considered as one of the most influential spiritual masters of modern times.)
Importance of faith on the path of spirituality
In Bhagvad Geeta Lord Krishna has mentioned the importance of faith in the following verse:
Kriya Yoga: a Sure Path to Salvation
Ordinary human beings’ consciousness stay between Muladhar chakra to Manipur chakra. Their breath restlessly move in Ida nadi (left nostril) and Pingla nadi (right nostril) so that they always absorb in materialistic life.
Bliss of renunciation
Many struggle with renunciation, feeling frustrated at past habits which, like a great anchor, seem to keep us weighted down, preventing us from flying skyward.
Science of Astrology
Now it is scientifically proven that rays of planets has an effect our mind and body. Our sages were masters of this science. In a deep meditative state they find out many hidden secret of nature and gave it to humanity for its well being.
What is Deeksha?
Deeksha is like a new birth for sadhak. Who knows the process of farming can better understand what is deeksha. Before sawing seeds farmer makes the land proper to saw the seed. Deeksha is a similar process.
Story of a beggar and a king
“Whoever first beggar come ask anything I will give him.”
How to develop unconditional love towards God and be with him?
Naam Sumiran (continuous chanting of God’s name) is the best way to develop unconditional love towards God.
Meaning of Ramayana in the sense of spritual practice (sadhna)
In the sense of sadhna in Ramayana Ram resides in everybody, Sita is his peace which is kidnapped by Ravana (impurities of mind).
Bhagavad Gita in sense of Kriya Yoga
In the sacred text Srimad Bhagavad Gita, the Kurukshetra symbolizes our human body: the 5 elements are the 5 pandavas where Arjuna symbolizes the jivatma and Lord Sri Krishna is the antaratma.